Are You Ready To Live


Find Out How I Help Smart, Busy, Professional Women to Make Sobriety Stick & Create A Life They Love!

Just being here is evidence that you are already on the path to living alcohol-free... YAY!

Deciding to quit drinking is a brave and life changing decision that will open doors you can't even imagine.

But there's one thing you need to know that might surprise you...

Alcohol Is Not The Problem

This might be hard to hear, but I'm going to tell you the truth:

You have been trying to fix the wrong problem.

Its not your fault! 

It seems logical that if you stop drinking, then you will be able to gain control over your life and be happy. 

But that's not this works...

Alcohol is just a symptom of a deeper problem. The key to living alcohol-free long term is to resolve the root causes and create a life you don't need to escape from.

It's Time To End Self-Sabotage

When you understand what is driving the compulsion to drink, then you can

be free of it.

You might be wondering...

What is Sober Coaching anyway?

"Coaching is like the string on a kite. It's a grounding cord to keep you safe while you learn a new way of managing stress." Arlina Allen

Coaching is a private, supported framework of gaining clarity on your goals & values, identifying triggers, and having support for when life gets "life-y".

It's a 4 to 6 month process to understanding how to apply the information that will actually make a difference.

We meet weekly to allow you to adjust to the process and build momentum.

When you first start living alcohol-free, all the feelings you've been suppressing with alcohol start to come up. You might feel like a kite getting tossed around by the turbulence of life.

You'll need a new coping strategy. Coaching will help you to stay grounded.

One-on-one coaching is right for you if...

is coaching right for me

Hi, I'm Arlina

I am a Certified Sobriety Coach & Hypnotist, The Founder of Sober Life School, and Host of the award winning podcast “The One Day At A Time Recovery Podcast”.

I specialize in helping smart, busy, professional women to quit drinking and create a life they love...

without rehab or 12 step programs.

Experience Matters! I have been alcohol-free since April 23, 1994 and have helped hundreds of women break free from drinking.

As Seen In:


"The breakthrough Process"

Live Alcohol-Free and Create A Life You Love 

This is a process that allows you to break old patterns through

coaching, hypnosis, and IFS, so you can take back control of your life!

Included In Your Private Coaching Package:

Weekly Calls

We meet weekly to work through every phase of this process. From establishing the plan to working through challenges.

Effective Exercises

We will work through exercises that help you to uncover those negative subconscious beliefs, so that you can break self defeating patterns.

Self Care Practice

We will establish a self care practice that you can stick to and build on to help you heal your self-esteem which is the core of lasting success.

Text & Email Support

I will be available to help you move through them via text and email.

A New Vision

You will create a new vision for your life so that you can start to embody your ideal self, and manifest the life you were meant to live.

Unlock Insights

This process will reveal hidden blocks behind unwanted behaviors, so that you can resolve them and gain control of your life.

How it works..The 3 Phases

Building The Foundation

Clearing Internal Blocks

Maintaining Success

Phase 1: Building The Foundation

Establish Weekly Meeting Structure - I will hold your hand every step of the way

Goals and Values Assessment - This is your roadmap to reaching your goals

Preparing Your Environment - Making sure you have everything you need

Identify Daily Self-Care Tools - The practice that helps you build inner confidence

How to Handle Tricky Situations: Social Events, Friends & Family, Work

Phase 2: Clearing Internal Blocks

Hypnosis Session #1 - Building Self-Esteem

Hypnosis Session #2 - Clearing Subconscious Blocks

Hypnosis Session #3 - Letting Go of the Past

Hypnosis session #4 - Releasing the Inner Critic

Phase 3: Maintaining Success

Ongoing Parts Work - Compassion Focused Internal Resolution Process

Tracking Progress - Adding In Additional Tools & Practices As Needed

Staying Connected to Ideal Self - Leveraging Manifestation Practices to Reach Goals

Expanding Support System - Cultivating Friendships and Sober Groups

Private Coaching Includes 2 Amazing Bonuses!

When you sign up for private coaching you also get access

to my two signature courses: Sobriety Rest & Reinvent -The Self-Esteem Class


How to Quit Drinking: A 30 Day Self-Paced Course

This is a Private Self-Study Program designed to help you get sober, release fear, and transition into a fulfilling (and fun) life, free of alcohol.

  • No Ridged Rules: All paths to change are honored and you decide what's best for you

  • No Offensive Labels: Start feeling more confident, not guilty or shamed

  • No Religious Requirements: Spiritual & Scientific - The best of both worlds!

The 6 Sobriety Reset Modules:

($697 Value)

How to Answer - "Am I An Alcoholic?"

(and why it doesn't matter)

The Top 3 Drinking Triggers & How to Resolve Them

The Ultimate Sobriety Checklist 

The Emotion Sorting Process

(Relapse Prevention)

The Emotional Freedom Formula

Reinvent Yourself - 6 Week Self-Esteem Class™ 

Raise Your Self-Esteem To Attract What You Deserve!

This is a group coaching program designed to help you raise your self-esteem, build your confidence, and build momentum towards your goals. Best part is, No Homework! All the work is done in class.

  • You Will Finish All The Work: We do all the work in class so you WILL take action

  • Your Self-Esteem Will Improve: By taking evidence based action, you get the results!

  • You Will Get UNSTUCK: After 6 weeks, you have the momentum you need to keep going

The Live 6 Week Class Modules:

($697 Value)

Power of Beliefs & Law of Attraction 

​Create A Compelling Future

​Change Limiting Beliefs

​Boundary Setting 101

​How To Release Resistance

​Create Lasting Change & Celebration

Your Investment

One Time Payment of $2,970 Covering Up To 6 Months of Private Coaching

Or 3 Payments of $1,200

Here's what you get:

The Breakthrough Process

  • 12 Private Coaching Sessions: Customized to fit your unique situation

  • Daily Text & Email Support Access: Accountability & Support for stressful times

  • Personalized Hypnosis Sessions: Unblock your limiting beliefs to rewire your brain

Sobriety Reset - Value $697 - Included

  • The 30 Day Bootcamp Online Course

  • Lifetime Access to 6 Sobriety Reset Modules

  • All The Videos & Worksheets

Reinvent Yourself

The Self-Esteem Class - Value $982 - Included

  • Reinvent Workbook With All The Exercises

  • The 6 Live Class Workshops

  • Course eBook & Private Access to Recorded Classes

"So If You're Tired Of Feeling Like Sh*t And Ready To Fully Commit To A Better Life , Then The Only Real Question is... When Do You Want to Start?"


Client Success Stories


"I totally recommend working with Arlina! I have been dealing with self-esteem issues and self negative defeating thoughts since I was a little girl. Arlina helped me to get to the core of this. She had a kind and loving way too keep me accountable. She has some great tips and wisdom. I have grown and have inner peace."


"I had been struggling with boundary setting, self love and hurts from my past. Working with Arlina has and continues to help me do the work necessary to have a healthy internal dialogue and set healthy boundaries by creating space to take care of my needs without feeling judged or guilty. I’ve been given structure around healing my past by not being afraid of it but writing, talking and praying about it. I highly recommend working with Arlina as she is a safe and wise place to share my truth. "


"Arlina held my hand while I was working through the process. She was a great support for me during a time when I was dealing with some really hard stuff. Arlina has a great way of approaching sobriety in a practical way that produces real results. I love that she embraces spirituality and uses it to help women in their personal growth journey.She said “poor baby” when I needed to have my pain validated. This was essential for me so I could move forward and leave the past behind. The process was magical and transformational. "


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